DAY # 8 Schedule & Requirements
This is Day # 8 of your theory in the CNA program. Please watch the following lectures and read the assigned readings. You must successfully complete the modules and pass the Quizzes on Day # 8 to progress to the next courses.
MODULE 9 Patient Care Procedures (7 hours)
A) Collection of specimens, including stool, urine, and sputum (1 Hour)
B) Care of patients with tubing to include but not be limited to urinary, gastric, oxygen, and intravenous. This care does not include inserting, suctioning, or changing the tubes (1 Hour)
C) Intake and Output (1 Hour)
D) Bed making (1 Hour)
E) Cleansing enemas and laxative suppositories (1 Hour)
F) Admission, transfer, and discharge (1 Hour)
G) Bandages, non-sterile dry dressing application of non-legend topical ointments to intact skin surfaces (1 Hour)