Day # Seven

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Congratulations on completing Day # 6 modules. This is Day # 7 of your theory in the CNA program. Please watch the following lectures and read the assigned readings. You must successfully complete the modules and pass the Quizzes on Day # 7 to progress to the courses on Day # 8.

DAY # Seven Schedule & Requirements

MODULE 15 Observation and Charting (4 hours)

A) Observation of patients and reporting responsibility
B) Patient care plan
C) Patient care documentation
D) Legal issues of charting
E) Medical terminology and abbreviations

MODULE 16 Death and Dying (2 hours) 

A) Stages of grief
B) Emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and family
C) Rights of the dying patient
D) Signs of approaching death
E) Monitoring of the patient
F) Post-mortem care

MODULE 17 HSC Abuse (2 hours)

A) Preventing, recognizing, and reporting instances of resident abuse.


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