DAY # Six Schedule & Requirements
MODULE 10 Vital Signs (3 hours)
A) Purpose of vital signs
B) Factors affecting vital signs
C) Normal ranges
D) Methods of measurement
E) Temperature, pulse, respiration
F) Blood pressure
G) Abnormalities
H) Recording
MODULE 13 Long Term Care Patient (5 hours)
A1) Special needs of persons with developmental and mental disorders including intellectual disability, Alzheimer’s disease, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and mental illness. (2 hours)
A2) Special needs of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (2 hours)
Module 13 (B-F Minimum 1 hour)
B) Introduction to anatomy and physiology
C) Physical and behavioral needs and changes
D) Community resources available
E) Psychological, social, and recreational needs
F) Common diseases and disorders including signs and symptoms