Day # 1-Module 4: Prevention and Management of Catastrophe and Unusual Occurrences (1 hour)

  Statement of Purpose:

The purpose of this unit is to introduce the student to the concepts and procedures related to the patient’s/resident’s safety including environmental emergency issues The Nurse Assistant‘s role in creating a safe environment for the patient/resident is discussed.


Patient, resident, and client are synonymous terms referring to the person receiving care

Performance Standards (Objectives):

After completion of one hour of class, plus homework assignments, and one hour of clinical experience the learner will:

1. Define key terminology

2. Explain the role of the Nurse Assistant in emergency, disaster, and fire situations

3. Describe ways the Nurse Assistant can help patients/residents, families, and visitors remain calm in an emergency situation

4. Describe common emergency codes used in facilities

5. Describe general rules for providing a safe environment for the Nurse Assistant

6. Describe general rules for providing a safe environment for the patient/resident

7. Identify two safety issues for the patients/residents and interventions to prevent them

8. Describe major causes of fire and general fire prevention rules

9. List the safety rules to be followed for the patient/resident receiving oxygen therapy

10. Describe the safe application of postural supports and the implication for their use

11. Discuss the legal and psychological implications of the use of postural supports

12. Discuss the overview of bioterrorism

Module 4 Powerpoint

Reading Assignments: 

Emergency Ch 2, pp 32-45

General safety rules Ch 2, pp 35-37

Fire and disaster plans Ch 2, pp 35-37

Roles and procedures for Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA) Ch 2, pp 35-37

Patient safety Ch 2, pp 31-45; Ch 7, pp 199-200

Patient, resident, and client are synonymous terms referring to the person receiving care

Do not forget these important mnemonics:


P- Pull the safety pin
A -Aim
S -Squeeze
S -Sweep low


R -Remove the patient/resident from the fire area and close the room door
A- Activate the fire alarm system
C -Contain the fire
E -Extinguish the fire, if possible

MANUAL SKILL: Applying Postural Supports (Restraints)

Authorization from a licensed nurse.
Postural support (as appropriate, ie limb, jacket (vest), waist).

1. Wash hands
2. Knock and pause before entering the patient’s/resident’s room
3. Introduce self
4. Identify patient/resident
5. Explain the procedure speaking clearly, slowly, and directly maintaining face-to-face contact whenever possible
6. Gather equipment, if applicable
7. Provide privacy with a curtain, door, or screen
8. Apply gloves (standard precautions)

A. Raise the bed to a comfortable working position.
B. Check body alignment and position.1. Limb device:
a. Place the soft edge of restraints against the Patient’s/resident’s skin Wrap the restraint smoothly around the limb
b. Make sure no wrinkles are present.
c. Pull both ends of straps through the tab or ring on the restraint; then pull the restraint secure, but not too tight, against the skin.
d. Test for fit and comfort by inserting two fingers between the restraint and the patient’s/resident’s skin.
e. Position the arm or leg in a comfortable position, limiting movement only as much as necessary.

Jacket device:

a. Assist patient/resident to sit in an upright position
b. Slip the armholes of the jacket onto the patient’s/resident’s arms
c. Be sure that the vest is applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
d. Test for fit and comfort by inserting two fingers between the restraint and the patient’s/resident’s skin.
3. Waist device:
California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Nurse Assistant Model Curriculum – Revised December 2018 Page 26 of 27
Module 4: Prevention and Management of Catastrophes and Unusual Occurrences Manual Skills 410- Applying Postural Supports
a. Place the waist device low over the pelvis and down between wheelchair sides and seat to “the foot-bars” in the back of the
b. Test for fit and comfort, etc.
c. Secure straps to each side of the movable part of the bed frame or to the back of the wheelchair with an easily removable tie, out of patient’s/resident’s reach
d. Do not tie to side rails.
e. Observe the color and temperature of skin below the restraint (for vest restraint, observe respirations).
f. Check patient/resident every 15 to 30 minutes or according to facility policy.
g. Remove restraint and change position every two hours Offer toileting, fluids, range-of-motion exercises, and position changes as needed.
f. Provide skincare.

1. Clean and return equipment and supplies, if applicable
2. Remove gloves (without contaminating self) into the waste container and wash hands
3. Position patient/resident comfortably
4. Place call light within reach
5. Lower bed to a safe position for the patient/resident
6. Leave the room neat
7. Wash hands
8. Document
9. Report abnormal findings to a licensed nurse

The video for the above skill is attached below:

After completing the module, please proceed to the quiz. You must  CLICK THE MARK COMPLETE BUTTON in order to proceed to the quiz.

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